Let’s get back to what the Hurricanes were able to achieve on the football field during these eight years.
Three unbeaten seasons!
Five national championships!
Nine conference championships!
I know, you’re scratching your head saying what the heck is he talking about? The Miami Hurricanes didn’t do all that in the past eight years, and you’re right.
The unbeaten seasons, the conference titles and the national championships were almost all achieved before this cavalcade of horrors was unleashed by Nevin Shapiro and Paul Dee.
In a way I feel really bad for the student athletes because it appears that they were duped and empowered by the University to rake in all of the illegitimate benefits they could in order to achieve football glory that translated to an economic windfall for the University of Miami (FL).
Going inside the numbers we see the following:
Of the 5 national championships none were awarded from 2002 through 2010.
Of the 3 undefeated seasons none were accomplished from 2002 through 2010.
Of the 9 conference championships only 2 were won between 2002 through 2010.
The national championships were earned in 1983, 1987, 1989, 1991 and 2001.
The undefeated seasons were in 1987, 1991 and 2001.
The conference championships were won in 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003. The 2002 (12-1) and 2003 (11-2) season’s conference championships came on the heels of the 2001 undefeated National Championship Team and were more a result of past glory rather than future sins.
Also, over the past 8 years the Hurricanes have gone 3-5 in Bowl Games. Prior to the 2002 season Miami was 15-11 in Bowl Games.
So, how much did the booty laid out in these years improve Miami? I would say next to nothing. Looking at 2004 through 2010 the Hurricanes average record was 7-5. I would dare say that this is even less than mediocre for a school with the Hurricanes’ reputation and recent past history. During the 21 seasons (1981-2001) preceding the 2002 through 2010 Death Penalty run the Miami Hurricanes’ average record was 10-2.
Millions of dollars later what we have learned is that money can’t buy happiness, National Championships or friends. That is unless of course you are talking about a certain booster’s newly found friend in the upper bunk named Bubba.