Fantasy Stroke/Prospect Watch

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Working in the medical field for 7+ years, I have seen hundreds of different medical conditions that baffle the mind and cripple the body. However, one has slipped under the radar for way too long.  It is one that affects thousands of men and some women each week. It is a condition I have lived with for years and my last bout with it was this past Sunday.

Caught between my computer, the Giants game, my phone and then the Packers game. I quickly found myself disengaged with the outside world. No sense of time, place or purpose other than knowing how many fantasy points LeSean McCoy, Jermichael Finley and Darren McFadden were racking up. 5 or 6 hours of pure tunnel vision in which the robot, zombie apocalypse could be destroying the earth as I knew it but in my little world there was nothing but delayed hand offs, slant routes and 70 yard TD runs. Yet again I fell victim to a dreaded case of… a Fantasy Stroke.