Was it God or Comedienne Bill Maher that Led the Way for Tim Tebow?


The 8-8 Denver Broncos and Tim Tebow entered the January 8, 2012 NFL Playoff game as 7 ½ point underdogs to the 12-4 Pittsburgh Steelers.

Half way through the first quarter the Broncos were down 3-0 and Tim Tebow had yet to complete a pass in his first NFL playoff game.

By the end of the first quarter the Steelers were winning 6-0 and had gained about 120 yards on offense. The Broncos on the other hand had gained a total of 8 yards and Tim Tebow was 0-2 passing but were only one play away from taking the lead in the game.

Bill Maher is starting to fidget a little in his chair as Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos start the second quarter with three pass plays and a run. Tebow throws a 21 yard strike to Eric Decker that after an official review is ruled no catch. Tebow follows up that play with a 51 yard pass to Demaryius Thomas. Lance Ball goes up the middle for a yard but on the next play Tebow goes deep to the corner of the end zone and finds Eddie Royal for a 30 yard touchdown. All of a sudden the score is 7-6 with Denver and Tim Tebow in the lead.

Bill Maher just started feeling a little queasy as Tim Tebow took the Broncos down the field in four plays capped by an 8 yard Tebow rushing touchdown. And, the Broncos have followed up the last drive by intercepting Roethlisberger.

Broncos took advantage of a roughing the passer penalty to give Matt Prater a chip shot field goal attempt that put the Broncos up 17-6 halfway through the second quarter.

With 7:30 left in the half, the Steelers came back with a drive that started at their 20 yard line. Two off-sides penalties against the Broncos later it was not enough for the Steelers to get any momentum going and they had to give the ball back to the Broncos and Tim Tebow.

As time was winding down in the first half the Broncos were again at the doorstep of another score and Matt Prater put the ball through the uprights for his second field goal of the game and a 20-6 Denver lead. The field goal was setup by a 40 yard pass completion from Tebow to Daniel Fells.

I don’t think any of the nation’s media experts in their wildest dreams would have said that Tim Tebow would have had almost 200 passing yards in the first half of his first ever playoff game in the NFL.

The Broncos are on their way to the dressing room with a 14 point lead against the powerhouse, defensive juggernaut Pittsburgh Steelers. Who would of “thunk” it?

The second half starts with Tebow and the Broncos receiving the kickoff and unable to get close enough to put any points on the board on the opening drive of the half. Steelers get the ball back and got away with a fumbled lateral that was ruled an incomplete pass, otherwise Denver would have been 18 yards away from increasing their lead. As it turned out, the blown call led to a Steelers touchdown with 4:29 left in the third quarter. The Broncos lead has been cut to 20-13.

Broncos get the ball and look to try and put some light between themselves and the Steelers going into the fourth quarter. An interference penalty, two Tebow runs, a run by McGahee, a run by Ball, a pass by Tebow and the Broncos are at the Pittsburgh 13 yard line with a first down at the start of the fourth quarter. Tebow starts the fourth quarter with a run up the middle for three yards. A pass interference against Denver moved them back to the 20 yard line and the Broncos wind up with another Matt Prater field goal and go up 23-13 on the Steelers.

Can the Denver Broncos and Tim Tebow get through the remaining 12 minutes of the game without giving up 10 or more points to the Steelers?

We’re going to find out in the next 30 minutes or less of real time if the Broncos get to move on and play in the second round of the playoffs against the Patriots.

Score with 9:46 remaining in the game 23-16 Denver.

Right now Bill Maher is probably wondering what he is going to say if the Tebow led Broncos beat the Steelers. Maybe it will be something like I can’t believe that Satan let me down. He must have been busy last night with a war or something someplace else in the world.

Oh! Oh! McGahee fumbles and the Steelers take advantage of the mistake and move straight down the field and score on a 31 yard TD pass from Roethlisberger to Jeremy Cotchery.

Score with 3:48 remaining and the Steelers have tied up the score at 23-23.

With 2:56 left in the game Tebow goes over the middle for 17 yards to Daniel Fells. After a 2 yard run by McGahee the Broncos run the clock down to the two minute warning and pick it up afterwards with a second and 8 at the Denver 35 yard line. After a missed face mask penalty that should have been called against the Steelers the Broncos punt with 1:37 left and the Steelers get a chance to win the game.

With 25 seconds remaining in the game it looks like we could be going into overtime.

And overtime it is!

Broncos get the ball to start overtime and look like they could be going to New England.

And, the Quarterback that can’t throw just unleashed an 80 yard bomb to win the game 29-23!

The most passing yards given up by the Steelers defense all year and it was to the NFL Quarterback that couldn’t throw, 316 passing yards, 2 passing TDs and a rushing TD for Tim Tebow and Christians, I mean Broncos.

What will Bill Maher say now that the Tebow led Broncos have beaten the mighty Steelers?

Probably not much! He will most likely just ignore it and make absolutely no mention of it in his next show or on his twitter site.

All of a sudden Bill Maher just got violently ill because God spiked his punch with a Tebow playoff win!