The Oakland Raiders are going nowhere!
A few months back, Oakland Raiders fans in Los Angeles made premature plans to receive the Raiders. And as if that disappointment wasn’t enough, they’re setting themselves up for it again. But this time, the city of Las Vegas, just three hours to the Northeast, will be with them.
That’s because the media has slanted everything to look like the move is inevitable when it’s not. As a matter of fact, the further this process goes, the less likely owner Mark Davis makes it to the finish line. Sure, he’s serious about moving the team but that’s all he’s told the truth about.
Neither he nor the media have told much truth about this whole Raiders-to-Las Vegas situation. There’s all kinds of stuff out in the media that have cause a lot of misconceptions. But the facts are right in front of everyone and if you look at them he won’t likely get out of Oakland.
Turn the page to see the misconceptions.
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