The long holdout is finally over with Joey Bosa signing with the San Diego Chargers.
This has been one of the more interesting contract negotiations with both Joey Bosa and the San Diego Chargers playing a game of chicken. Holdouts aren’t uncommon but the way this one played out really turned some heads.
First, rookie contracts have been very easy to negotiate thanks to some of the language put in the most recent CBA. It basically laid out the structure of how much each draft pick can earn on this first deal. The result has been positive with many rookies quickly getting under contract.
Bosa and the Chargers both took hardlines on what little areas were up for negotiation. Contract issues aren’t something new in San Diego where the team has taken hardline stances with star players like Philip Rivers and Ladanian Tomlinson.
The result of each party’s stubborness was several weeks of training camp and all of the preseason. San Diego can expect it to take a few weeks before Bosa is in game shape and able to make a major contribution.
There are long-term effects too as its hard to believe that Bosa will quickly forget how the team handled this situation. The involvement of the media should particularly rub Bosa the wrong way. It’s almost unheard of for an NFL franchise to publicly layout contract details on twitter as a tactic to get someone signed.
The next step is for Bosa to take the practice field and try to prepare for the regular season. However, I doubt this situation is over meaning we could see some fireworks spark up again this offseason.