Q: Who has the stronger leg, you or your brother?
A: “If we were the same age, me for sure. As of right now though he has me by five yards I’d say. We’re very competitive with each other though. During quarantine we would have kicking competitions and would make them all the way up to 62 yards.”
Q: How about some career goals for you?
A: “Well first is to win the Lou Groza award. After that, it’s to make it to the NFL. Then I want to be one of the best in the league, build a solid resume, and maybe a couple Super Bowl rings if I’m lucky. I want to build some character too throughout my time in the league and use it for whatever I do after my career. My major is Sports Management so I’m excited to see how I can use that to my advantage.”
Q: Obviously kickers aren’t always drafted, but being an undrafted free agent has its perks since you get to essentially pick where you want to play. If you had the choice, would you rather be drafted or go undrafted and pick your team?
A: “I would say drafted. The NFL is a business and I know that. While you love what you’re doing, I understand that it’s your job, so I would go wherever they selected me. Plus it would be cool to be drafted.”